About Author

To many thousands around the world, Sadhu T. L. Vaswani is a name synonymous with reverence for all life. Born on November 25, 1879, in Hyderabad Sind, Sadhu Vaswani was the living embodiment of an unsullied love that knew no bounds, an all-embracing love that included all mankind, animals and all creation. He cared deeply about the birds of the air and the animals of the earth; and he protected them whenever and however he could.

Sadhu Vaswani was a prolific writer, the author of several hundreds of books in English and the sweet, lyrical Sindhi language. Some of his English books have been translated into German and some Indian languages.

Sadhu Vaswani re-worded the wisdom of the Rishis. He taught that all religions are true, that each had a value of its own. He taught that in all the saints and prophets shone the One Light. He asked all to turn away from creeds and dogmas to the Religion of Life, the Religion of Self-realization, the Religion of God-consciousness, the Religion of the One Spirit who is in all races and religions, prophets and saints. He was an eloquent prophet of unity.”

The Author Dada Jashan Pahlajrai Vaswani ( Dada J P Vaswani ), better known as Dada Vaswani was a non-sectarian spiritual leader. He was a legend who has inspired millions: His participation in many world conferences on religion, compassion, and humanity has spiritually enriched the world.

He also promoted vegetarianism and animal rights. He was the Spiritual Head at the Sadhu Vaswani Mission founded by his Guru, Sadhu Vaswani. The Mission, a non-profit organization headquartered in Pune, India, has centers around the world. Vaswani is the author of 150 self-help books.

A well-chosen, parable, anecdote, or tale can communicate profound truths which are otherwise difficult to get across. The book, The Book of the Heart, communicates well with the world, bridging the gap, connecting Dada Vaswani and his innumerous followers across the world.

Those who have heard Dada Vaswani speak, confess that they have been spellbound by the power of His words. If we would only turn around to look at the audience at some of the world’s greatest forums – the UN, the House of Commons, the World Parliament of Religions, Symposium of Spiritual Leaders, World Philosophers Meet, Interfaith meetings, Youth Parliament, Global Citizen Festival of India – we will see each one engrossed , indeed enthralled by the magic of His words.

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