
Donate and make a difference!

Sadhu Vaswani Centre gladly accepts donations from individuals & companies to sustain our work in the UK. We accept donations through Paypal and JustGiving. If you prefer to make a direct bank transfer please email us on

If you are a UK taxpayer we would ask you to consider ‘Gift Aiding’ your donation to us by clicking the icon “Paypal With Gift Aid” or selecting this option when using JustGiving.

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Am I eligible to Gift Aid my donation?
  • Firstly, you must be a resident in the UK. (You also qualify if you are Crown servants or members of the UK armed forces serving overseas.)

  • You must pay enough UK income tax and/or capital gains tax to cover the amount of tax the charity will reclaim.

  • You must also provide Sadhu Vaswani Centre with a gift aid declaration. This happens automatically when you donate to Sadhu Vaswani Centre using PayPal.

How can I Gift Aid my donation to Sadhu Vaswani UK?

When you donate to Sadhu Vaswani Centre using this Web site your donation is handled by PayPal. We receive your details from PayPal and these details from the Gift Aid Declaration. You need do nothing else, Sadhu Vaswani Centre claims the tax back from the HMRC.

For more information on Gift Aid please visit the HMRC site.

The Gift Aid scheme allows charitable and non-profit organisations to reclaim the basic rate income tax from Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs. As a rough guide this means that for every pound donated to charities, including Sadhu Vaswani Centre, an extra 28 pence can be claimed.

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