Dada J. P. Vaswani

About Our dada

Dada, the voice of the voiceless, has been a strong advocate of the rights of birds and animals and spoken at world forums on the atrocities committed against defenseless beings

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The ever-young-at-heart Dada J.P. Vaswani, who loves to call himself a seeker, is the most charismatic and sought after spiritual master of 20th century India. 

He is the spiritual head of the internationally-acclaimed Sadhu Vaswani Mission, which has its headquarters in Pune, the cultural and educational capital of Maharashtra, 190 kms south of Mumbai. The mission’s centres are spread across in many countries around the world.

Like a magnet, Dadaji attracts and commands lakhs of followers, not only from the diligent Sindhi community, which has carved a niche for itself in partitioned India and added to India’s economic prosperity, but also thousands of people from other communities as well, who have great reverence for him.

This octogenarian friend, philosopher and guide to many, has the effervescence and never-say-die spirit of a youngster. His smiling countenance and utter humility make him a class apart. Dadaji invades the heart of every common man, because of his mastery in oratory—- wherein he advocates the philosophy of life in such simple terms and language that it immediately becomes mass appealing.

Instead of using any hi-funda intellectual language, his sermons comprise lessons and anecdotes in simple everyday living and high thinking. Yet, his lectures are not boring and monotonous. Punctuated with a lot of humour and puns, a listener of any age and any social or educational background is invariably mesmerised by them. To Dadaji goes the credit of reminding us, lesser mortals, that in this materialistic world of the 20th century, where science may have made fantastic progress and technology may have jumped up to the sky, it is the simple formula of love, kindness, communion with nature and daily appointment with God which leads to happiness and peace of mind.


Dada J.P. Vaswani is an avid propagator of vegetarianism and November 25, the birth anniversary of his master and founder of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Sadhu T.L. Vaswani is celebrated as Meatless Day and Animal Rights Day. Over the years, there has been an overwhelming response and butcheries in Pune and other cities are compelled to pull down their shutters due to lack of buyers.

What makes Dadaji a dynamic and ever-alert spiritual leader is his immense contribution in community service through the banner of Sadhu Vaswani Mission. The Inlaks and Budhrani Hospital and the Morbai Naraindas Cancer Institute and Research Centre — have state-of-the-art facilities and are hailed as the best medical centres in Maharashtra. On the anvil, are two state-of-the-art institutes- Baba Gangaram Heart Institute and Kirpalani and Kundnani Eye Institute.

His magnanimous contribution towards girl’s education is manifested through the St. Mira’s School and St. Mira’s College in Pune, both of which have a high reputation as Pune’s premier educational institutions. In a country, where the woman plays a second fiddle, Dadaji believes that “If you educate a girl, you are educating the whole family.” Dada J.P. Vaswani’s concern for the poor and the dumb, defenceless animals can be seen every morning in the mission premises wherein hundreds of birds are fed. Similarly, at least a 100 poor people line up at the gate, for free breakfast which is indeed sumptuous and nutritious.

Born on August 2, 1918, Dada J.P. Vaswani has a formidable educational background, with a master’s degree in Physics. His thesis was examined by Sir C.V. Raman, Nobel Peace prize winner. Dadaji was a professor and subsequently the principal of the St. Mira’s College. After the passing away of his guru, Sadhu Vaswani in 1966, Dadaji took on the mantle and has done the Sindhi community and humanity at large, proud, ever since.

He is the author of over 150 books in English and many more in Sindhi language which reveal the secrets of happy, successful and non-violent living. Many of his books have run into several editions. Some of his books have been translated into Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati, Kannada, Papio Mento, Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish, French and Indonesian languages. Dadaji was invited to speak at the World Hindu Conference held in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 1982. He also spoke at the World Conference on Hinduism organised by the Vishva Hindu Parishad in New York in 1984. Dadaji also gave an impressive speech at the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium of the U.N.O. on “Universal Peace” and at the House of Commons, London on “World Without Wars.”

He addressed the Parliament of Religions, Chicago in 1993 on “The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.


He spoke at the Global Conference of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders on Human Survival at Oxford in 1988 and at the 50thAnniversary celebrations of the U.N.O. in 1995. In 1999, he addressed the Parliament of World Religions in Cape Town, South Africa on “How To Face The Challenges Of Life”. He recognises no creed, no caste, no colour. The deeper spirit of humanity, he says, moves above creeds and communities. In his heart is reverence and love for all the saints of humanity.

Dadaji’s life is moulded according to the philosophy of “The Bhagavad Gita” and the Sermon on the Mount. He is in the world, but is not worldly. He gets along with people from any country and any background. He mingles so easily with each one of them and soothes their sorrowing hearts by saying: “All is well! All was well! All will ever be well both now and a hundred years hence!”

Dadaji has successfully worked out a synthesis between the past and the present, between science and spirituality. Living in this mundane world of entanglements and allurements, he regards the suffering of humanity as his own and endeavours to help humanity to overcome these through love and kindness.

Words of Wisdom : Dada J.P. Vaswani

1 . Let me give to the world the best of which I am capable, and the best will return to me!

2. That man is truly great who can show sympathy even to an enemy.

3. The man who is eager to reform himself has no time or inclination to criticize others.

4. Let us never forget that the secret of the care-free life is:- Walk with God today, and trust Him for the tomorrow!

Raman, Nobel Peace prize winner. Dadaji was a professor and subsequently the principal of the St. Mira’s College. After the passing away of his guru, Sadhu Vaswani in 1966, Dadaji took on the mantle and has done the Sindhi community and humanity at large, proud, ever since.


“There are few persons in this world whom we can call great men. Today, I am in the midst of one such man. He speaks the very language which the Great Master Guru Nanak Dev used to speak, the language in which Guru Gobind Singh expressed his heart, the language of Sri Krishna and Sri Rama, of Prophet Muhammed and Jesus Christ. I have been honoured in meeting such a great personality.”
Giani Zail Singh,
Former President of India
“To meet Revered Dada J.P. Vaswani is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. His radiant face is wreathed in perpetual smiles, and in his eyes is a softness and a twinkling luminosity of such intensity that momentarily one forgets oneself. His every word and action merely reinforces the conviction that man can conquer himself and find the true meaning of life.”fend orci.”
Evening news
Bombay, India
"Dada Vaswani is an exponent of human peace and love. His profound thought and humanism has endeared him to his admirers. His sparkling simplicity, humility has set an example for us all.."
Ambassador Krishnan
Per. Representative to the U.N.O.
"Dada J.P. Vaswani is one of the modern saints of India, who has touched the lives of hundreds of thousands in India and promotes world peace and brotherhood through the doctrine of love, compassion and tolerance.."s.”
Harold Washington
Mayor, City of Chicago
"Dada J.P. Vaswani’s brilliant mind, devoted heart and eloquent voice, powerfully, soulfully, and convincingly spreads the message of God’s love to the mighty and the humble, throughout God’s creation. Scholar, writer, educator, leader and above all, God lover, Dada reveals, through his words and deeds, the ideals from which a world of universal peace shall perfectly and inevitably blossom.."a.”
Sri Chinmoy Of the Peace
Meditation Center United Nations, while presenting the U Thant Peace Award to Dada
"In my judgement, in our generation, we can hold Dada J.P. Vaswani as the classic case of a truly great man who has touched and influenced the lives of hundreds and thousands of people for the good… Our respectful pranams to this great soul who will go down in the history of the present century as one of the greatest men of our generation!."
Dr. P.C. Alexander
Governor of Maharashtra
"Dada Vaswani is a tower of light and strength, a living proof of the ideal that it is better to give than to receive. He is a teacher who teaches by example in this torn world."
Edsel Jesuran
University of Curacao, Netherlands Antilles
"Dada has fulfilled the prophecy of Sri Krishna. He is an embodiment of love. His love is genuine, unconditional. With such love it is possible to win the world."
Swami Satchidananda
Founder – President Integral Yoga Institute, Virginia, USA
"The impact that this humble man with his tale of love and compassion for all living things has on people is impossible to measure. He spreads a message that others before him have voiced, but that the world seems not to heed.."
The Key West Citizen
Key West, USA
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