Didi Krishna Kumari meets Prime Minister Narendra Modi

September 24, 2022

Didi Krishna Kumari meets Prime Minister Narendra Modi on her visit to Delhi.

  • Didi greets him as a true Karma-Yogi.
  • The world has tremendous need of Dada Vaswani’s teachings, says Modi.

Didi Krishna Kumari, Sadhu Vaswani Mission arrived in New Delhi today, 24th September 2022. Her first official meeting was with the Honourable Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“Dada’s teachings are very potent. Every time you dive into them, there is a new revelation. The world needs his teachings immensely,” Prime Minister Modi remarked conveying his deep respect & love for Dada.

The Honourable Prime Minister accorded extensive time to Didi Krishna in delving into the activities of the Mission. Didi spoke about the main focus areas of the Mission: cultivation of the soul, selfless service and character-building education. The Mission continues to grow, Didi reiterated, “Dada has not left, but is guiding us at every step from the unseen.”

Sadhu Vaswani had envisioned that India would emerge as a world-teacher and they both concurred that our nation will touch those heights soon. Mere words cannot express Didi Krishna Kumari’s utter dedication to serve the masters Sadhu Vaswani and Beloved Dada and the relentless efforts she has put in to promote the mission activities.

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